Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ghost Ranch to Chama

Ghost Ranch is a Christian retreat that is very hiker friendly. I did not stay long, I did manage to shower, eat a endless amount of breakfast, and use their Wi-Fi.

After sending off some postcards, I began hiking out of the desert without my umbrella, I just lost. But lucky once again, It began raining.

For the next couple of days, The trail began getting nicer and nicer. Water became more plentiful and the scenery became more greener. I saw lots of elk a few deer and a wild horse. It was not long before we passed the Colorado border.

Approaching Chama I got a lucky ride into town, Where I met up with Peru and radar. Along with raisins we all had two lunches. I then began packing for a 6 day, 190 mile haul to Lake City. I will bypass Pagosa Springs.

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