Immediately entering the Bob Marshall Wilderness we were encountering Grizzly Warning posters due to a Grizzly feeding on horse remains. I was by myself and ended up camping with the section hiker who loaned us the keys to his truck to resupply Optimist and Stopwatch.
The next day I had to do a detour around another forest fire. The route was amazing at first and went into a remote canyon in the middle of the Bob Marshall. Later the route got old as it was mostly under the trees.
Eventually the others caught up and we were a foursome again. We saw a dead moose in a creek that was obviously being devoured by a grizzly,due to tha large scat present. Needless to say we did not stick around and see anymore.
I saw some wolves chasing down a heard of elk, but the bulls seemed unconcerned.
Any ways I am in Many Glacier, and will finish tomorrow. I will have more time to add to this later, cheers.....
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