Sunday, July 18, 2010

Angeles Crest 100Mile Endurance Run

In my next endeavor, I will be attempting to run the Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Race. After completeing shorter Ultra Marathons I only had one more thing to do to qualify for this event.
Every runner has to complete 8 hours of trail work, and in June I did just that. About 35 Runners turned out, and we created some dust. In all my years of construction, I never have seen such hard work performed like that. I guess if you get 35 top notch athletes together, you got a hard working work force. Well I was no exception, and tryed to use the meenial labor as a work out. You would have been amazed at all the dirt flying, and how fast we moved in up the hill.
Last years race was cancelled, due to a large wild fire that took the lives of two fire fighters. The forest is still closed, but the Forest Service assured us that the race will get a special users permit, if we can complete the 20 miles of trail that needs to be cleared of weeds and tread replacement. The fire stripped the forrest of its plants and the heavy rain washed out most the tread. Then, the weeds took root on the trail. Over all it is a mess, but we have now brought back some 10 miles of trail and sofar the Forest Service is happy.
I have brought the training down a bit to avoid injury. I am now focusing on diet more, and have been real successful as of so far. I have been eating a lot of meat and eggs, and vertually no carbs untill the night before my long runs [pasta]. This has worked well and I am dropping more body fat every week. I have been eating a lot of vegetables and fruit as well, but watching the glucose intake as well. I have pretty much perfected it, and will post a page eventually in detail.
My runs now go like this;
Monday; 5-7 miles, slow and stretching during run, not pushing to hard because I am still recovering from Saturdays long run and I am warming up for tomorrows harder run.
Tuesday; 10-15 miles, fast and focusing on pushing hard uphills, If I feel good I prolong the 10 miles to 15 miles.
Wensday; Rest
Thursday; 15-23 miles, depending on time, I only run what I can get in before dark. I also try not to push too hard, not wanting to cause injury.
Friday; Rest, eat pasta for tomorrow's long run.
Saturday; 30-50 Miles, start early, run 10 1/2 mile laps around my coarse, useing my truck as an aid station. I focus on slow and easy laps at a sub 24 hour per 100 mile run [2hour 20 minute].
Sunday; Rest...
I was taught this method by an accomplished Ultra Runner, and it works real well for me...
AUG. 1ST Today is my longest training run, before tapering. I ran 50 miles in 10hrs 26min. The run was hot, I drank 2 gallons of water and a gallon of grapejuice, which I do not recommend, for it reacts like prunejuice. Thank God for not reacting till I got home. I used Hammer Products and new shoes and I feel great. I could have definately continued, but I accomplished my goal, and 1 hour quicker at that. So things are going well, as of so far, and will hope to post more later.